I've been asked so many times where I want to work as a teacher. And to be honest, I have no clue. I'm not married, I don't have kids, and I really don't have too many attachments other than my family to Colorado (though they're extremely supportive of exploration).

So where do I want to go?

Recently we've had to draw up an assessment portfolio for one of my education classes. Part of the assignment is to draw up a demographic and some context to your lesson plans based on the school, district, and area that you work in. I chose downtown San Francisco. I've only been there once in my life and kinda fell in love.

Though I've never lived in a city that large in my life I want to live in many different places. I want to backpack Europe. I want to international teach in South America, I want to live in New York, I want to meet all sorts of strange and amazing people. I love the idea of teaching because I get summers and breaks to do these things. If I want to take my summer to the Himalayan Mountains, I can.

But where do I want to start? I'm not entirely sure. Do I want to work in inner city San Francisco? Yes. Is that the best place to make all of my mistakes? I'm not sure. Do I want to international teach? Yes. Should I throw myself into not only a new job but a new country at the same time? I don't know.

I think sometimes in life we have so many opportunities that it seems impossible to make a decision.

I think I'll just have to see when graduation gets closer. I know I want to teach, but the question will always be where.


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