I've been at a loss of what to write lately. I've been over worked and overwhelmed. I keep trying to think on if high school was this bad, and you know what? It was in its own way. I remember being overwhelmed by emotions and self doubt. I remember feeling like each day was a battle that would never end.

So what's so different now? I pay bills and work a job and do more homework, but I'm also more sure of myself, more confident in who I am, and I feel attractive.

Being a teenager is hard. Sometimes I want to look back and shake myself or maybe imbue my younger self with just a sliver of my current confidence in who I am. I want to tell her that she just needs to brush her hair and stop wearing the same damn hoodie every day and she'll be okay. That she's beautiful.

I think as adults we miss the subtle signs that might seem obvious to a teenager. Yes, they are dramatic, but at the time it's not drama at all, it's very real. So why would I want, especially as a teacher, to look down on them for their problems because they aren't mine? It's ridiculous.

As a teacher, I don't want to be that all knowing adult that will tell them, "This will pass," or "Right now it seems like its the end of the world, but its not."

I find it demeaning to teens who are just trying to get through the best they can. Being overwhelmed isn't a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this. I hadn't thought of how the feeling of being overwhelmed simply changed from personal stress to work-related. I don't know if being overwhelmed is necessary a neutral feeling, but you're absolutely right that it's ubiquitous.


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